by Rev Jeff Gannon, Senior Pastor –

Throughout the sermon series, Leadership Rising, I will provide materials and observations within this blog that I didn’t have time to explore on Sunday. Last Sunday we explored the leader as a builder.

Umaik Haque contrasts the boss, the leader, and the builder:


For it is the “builder” that includes us all. The builder watches and learns, for the builder is both teacher and student. Most importantly, the builder harnesses the love. For it is the love, the love of God, Jesus, the World, and people that drives us all forward to build the organization and church of tomorrow. The builder harnesses that love.

I hope you will join me in prayerfully reflecting on how our leadership (remember…everyone is a leader 🙂 ) can grow into the leader as builder. Obviously, Jesus was a Builder – Building the Kingdom with every interaction with every decision with every group, etc.