Chapel Hill charter member Vivian Smith moved to Wisconsin a couple of years ago to be near her son. Vivian is a certified lay speaker and a former professor of speech and communications. As you can tell from her annual Christmas letter, she has a way with words.
–Rev. Jeff Gannon, Senior Pastor
A Christmas Letter from Vivian Smith
(too good not to share with each of you)
We act as though Christmas comes but once a year,
And early in December, we say, “Christmas is almost here.”
But, Christmas isn’t about just one December day,
Nor when December 25 is over does Christmas fade away.
Christmas isn’t a date on a calendar page that’s quickly over and done,
It’s an unending celebration of the life and presence of God’s beloved Son.
It’s accepting His unconditional Love; it’s knowing He’s your friend,
It’s faith and hope and love to which there is no end.
It’s realizing He delights in you; it’s knowing you belong.
Living with Him beside you, It’s Christmas all year long.
It’s holding a hand, a love-filled word that’s gently spoken,
Just being there, sharing the pain of one whose heart is broken.
It’s leaving the past behind us, courageously embracing the new,
It’s being at peace within our souls, to our own selves being true.
It isn’t in THINKING that Christmas is drawing near,
It’s in KNOWING that Christmas is already here.
–Vivian Smith (December 2016)