Starting this week, we are going to continue to try to do some spiritual direction from afar. If we find it isn’t helpful, let me know and we can go a variety of other directions.
I am using a book I was referred to by one of my pastor friends (believe it or not, I have one or two), “Disciplines for the Inner Life.” I’ve come to discover, the longer I live, we spend way too much time on the outer (which is wasting away) and not enough time on the inner (it is around for eternity).
The format is pretty straight forward. Remember, structure when it comes to spirituality is not about rigidity, it is about helping us move forward, one step at a time, most especially when we don’t feel like it! I use the Book of Common Prayer especially when I don’t feel like praying! It primes my prayer pump, if you will! ☺
This week’s theme is: Discipline
Opening Prayer: (prayer every day for this week) O eternal God, sanctify my body and soul, my thoughts and my intentions, my words and actions, that whatsoever I shall think or speak or do may be by me designed for the glory of your name, and by your blessing may it be effective in your work. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Scripture Readings (pick one to read each day – these are the Scriptures which will be used on Sunday morning to come. Read slowly. Remember…the goal is not to get through the Scripture but to get the Scripture through us).
Read one or both of the quotes each day…slowly…what is God saying to you about your own journey through these quotes?
Isaiah 55:6-9
Luke 13:1-9
A reading for meditation –
“The whole authentic history of spiritual discipline in the Church and in all deep religious traditions is to aid human digestion of the Holy, so that we do not:
- Reject his nourishment
- Throw it up by not allowing room inside for it
- Mistake “artificial flavors” for the real thing
- Use its strength for building an ego empire.”
Source: Spiritual Friend…Tilden H. Edwards
Hymn for the Week – “Sweet Will of God”
My stubborn will at last hath yielded
I would be Thine and Thine alone
And this the prayer my lips are bringing
Lord, let in me Thy will be done
Sweet will of God, still fold me closer
Til I am wholly lost in Thee
Sweet will of God, still fold me closer
Til I am wholly lost in Thee
I’m tired of sin, footsore and weary
The darksome path hath dreary grown
But now a light has ris’n to cheer me
I find in Thee my Star, my Sun
Sweet will of God, still fold me closer
Til I am wholly lost in Thee
Sweet will of God, still fold me closer
Til I am wholly lost in Thee
Thy precious will, O conqu’ring Savior
Doth now embrace and compass me
The storms have ceased, my peace a river
My soul a prisoned bird set free
Sweet will of God, still fold me closer
Til I am wholly lost in Thee
Sweet will of God, still fold me closer
Til I am wholly lost in Thee
Songwriters: Brown Bannister / John Hobbs / Vincent Grant Gill
Benediction – Lord, let my life be orderly, regular, temperate; let no pride or self-seeking, no covetousness or revenge, no little ends and low imaginations pollute my spirit and unhallow my words and actions. Let my body be a servant of my spirit and both my body and spirit be servants of Jesus, doing all things for your glory here. Amen.
(Jeremy Taylor)