St. Arbuck’s Chapel this week….

February is Black History Month. The longer I live, the more I realize the importance of Micah 6:8…”What does the Lord require of you? But to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with God.” To do justice is to be an advocate, to be “for” someone or some group of people. I shall never forget the experience of being with an African American pastor in southeast Kansas when we were denied service in a restaurant because of who I was with. Sometimes racism is subtle, and sometimes it is blatant. After being seated by the hostess, the server came to our table and said, while looking only at me,  “In light of who you are dining with, the restaurant is not serving food.” When I called the restaurant to speak with the owner, the response I got was, “How in the world can you take the words of the server as racist?” Are you kidding me?

On another occasion, a Caucasian man said to me, “Pastor, I am a racist and proud of it, in the name of Jesus!” Seriously? I said to him, “Sir, if you have a problem with persons of color, you have a problem with Jesus! You cannot be racist and be a Christian. Period. You have a right to be racist but not in the name of Jesus. The Jesus I know and trust loves all the children of the world – red, brown, yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world!”

Recently, in a conversation with the new president of Wichita State University, Dr. Jay Golden, he asked what I thought was Wichita’s greatest challenge. Without batting an eye, I said, “Race relations!” I truly believe it is our greatest need today!” Are you willing to be a part of the solution? To help break down the barriers of race?

Those of us who have power and follow Jesus have a biblical mandate to do justice, to be advocates for persons who long for freedom like all of us! Stand up, speak out, and know that our advocacy in the name of Jesus matters!

BTW…perhaps you know this, but I learned something new this week. Were you aware of how many inventions we enjoy were created by African Americans?

Air Conditioning Unit – Frederick M. Jones – 1949

Door Knob – Osbourn Dorsey – 1878

Elevator – Alexander Miles – 1867

Fire Extinguisher – Thomas Marshall – 1872

Clothes Dryer – George T. Sampson – 1971

The list goes on and on….