This week, we have a guest blogger, Mrs. Beverly Benson, Ph.D. Dr Benson is an amazingly gifted person and has written a reflection titled, “Too Little, Too Late.” I hope you will take the time to read this very personal reflection. For those of you who are not aware, Dr. Benson is an African American woman who has lived a lot of life and has, by grace and experience, the gift of wisdom! Click here if you would like to read her powerful reflection.
– Pastor Jeff
Eighty-five years ago, God sent a little black crying baby girl into this world with a mission to make things better. Did she fail, or did she succeed? That is the question. Behind a beautiful and cleverly designed mask, she spent her life growing up in a white world that tolerated her, pitied her, hated her, ignored her, and acknowledged her visibility on occasion. She aimlessly wandered, searching for affirmation and confirmation in a world that was oblivious to her. She had forgotten the words of her childhood days. “You are a child of God, and don’t you ever forget it.” After exhaustive work, much reading, and praying, she faced reality. The answers she was searching for can only be found in God and herself.
Nineteen years ago, God sent another little black crying baby girl in this world with a mission. Did she find a better world? It is for sure that the more things change, the more they stay the same. If you doubt that premise let me share a poem written by that black crying baby girl who grew up and describes the world in which she now lives. She wrote this poem long before the George Floyd incident. Except for a few classmates and family, her words went unheard, and her passion underestimated. Her poetry may seem like a tempest in a teapot, but that is not the case.
My America
Equality for all races is a lie.
There are race issues all the time
Some ignore it, some support it,
some don’t even know it.
I see it all the time and can’t express it.
You are either white, or you are other.
There is anger from all sides of the spectrum.
There are still so many places my people aren’t welcome.
We take abuse verbally and physically,
and stay quiet, for it’s just how the world works.
We may speak of these issues to only colors,
for they are the ones who understand best.
I see so many colors at public school,
and living in the hood,
and many whites at private school,
living in respectable communities.
Why are we so isolated from each other?
I go to school and see so many whites,
but where there are others,
I hear race issues going on in my own school!
We feel isolated from the rest of the community
and only have each other.
We go to school proving we are as good
as anybody else.
People believe we have the same America,
but colors know it differently.
You think you understand, but really you don’t.
We all know the white world, but you don’t know ours.
Today we see and hear a raging storm of human behavior that is destroying any and everything in its path. Now everyone wants to talk and scream mea culpa. Two crying black babies of yesteryear filled with rage and pain, look at each other and say, “How long Lord.” Psalm 13. The real tragedy is the 19 million black baby sons, daughters, and grandchildren who never had a chance to cry or make a contribution to our society.
Mrs. B.