What is God doing at Chapel Hill during this pandemic? What ministry is happening at Chapel Hill during this Covid crisis?
God is at work for good and we are incredibly thankful.
Let me share some of what God is doing in our midst. All glory to God!
- Our Preschool has 111 students plus 15 staff members. We continue to add new students as time goes on. Mandi Johnston and her staff are doing an excellent job!
- The Kids Day in Christ ministry for those 6 months to 3, has 83 children. 18 children have been added since the first week of September. We have 31 children in Lunch Bunch which is a combination of Preschool and KDIC children. Debby Wilson and her staff are doing an excellent job as well.
- We have 25 plus 3rd graders who are studying the Sacred word under the leadership of the Rev. Dr. Lisa Thompson. Our children are so blessed to have an ordained pastor lead this class as they learn how to use their Bible.
- Our youth are meeting on Sunday afternoons as you may have heard during our live stream service of worship. We have added 6 new 6th graders this month!
- Our adult Zoom classes on Wednesday are going well with great attendance! It is amazing to me how people desire to grow in the knowledge, love, and grace of Jesus the Christ. More classes to come in a couple of weeks.
- We have 47 families in our children’s Sunday school receiving their packets each month. If you would like a packet, please call the church office at 316-684-1117.
- Kindermusik starts October 1 and will begin virtually at least until January.
- With Board approval and our Bishop’s recommendation, we have a microschool meeting at Chapel Hill. This is three Chapel Hill families with eight children who are being taught by a certified teacher.
- Our congregational lay ministers under the direction of Rev. Jennifer Herndon are calling on 35 plus individuals/families each week with intensive care.
- The Upper Room daily devotional guide is sent out to those who would like to receive it. Please call the church office if you would like to be added to the list. All of our homebound or those convalescing from surgeries receive them automatically. Others are welcome to be added.
- Adult Sunday school is still happening via Zoom! It is a blessing to stay connected to Scripture and to community in this way. If you would like to join a class, please send an email to Abigail Cook at acook@chapelhillwichita.org
- Our online service via our website, Facebook or YouTube is reaching over 600 persons each week. We are thankful we can maintain a ministry of worship and look forward to in person worship but know we will maintain the online worship experience indefinitely.
- Our ministry in Planeview continues to have more impact. In addition to our $10,000 investment in the children of Colvin, we are working hard on the church building in Planeview which is now ours, and we are thankful for Marilyn Small and her willingness to be the liaison for all ministry at Brookside.
In the words of the Psalmist…”Not to us, O Lord, but to Thy Name, give glory” (Psalm 115:1)
Blessings –
Pastor Jeff