Who would miss us and why? From two Chapel Hillers….


I would miss CH in so many ways. The church, congregation and the staff are my rock and have kept me anchored during some very dark and difficult times.

I would miss the open arms our church offers to everyone no matter who you are, what you have, etc.

I have called Pastor Jeff in times of need and he has immediately answered my calls and has been so much strength to my family. Jeff has buried my Dad, my brother and most recently during the worse time ever with COVID he buried my Mom. He married my daughter and her husband.

CH is always there with open arms and hearts with prayers in times of need.

I would be devastated if CH were to cease to exist.


You asked today if Chapel Hill would be missed. I think, unfortunately, if you asked most churches if they would be missed the answer would be that they would be missed only by their members. That is not true of Chapel Hill. Because of the commitment to include all, we would be missed by many. Our ministry goes well beyond our members. Examples:


Vi in our class on Wednesday nights (I’m sure there are others attending classes)

Our ministry in Planeview, which includes so many activities

The many people who are viewing our services who are not members

The many families we serve who are not members of any church with funerals for their loved ones

Your counsel to those who are non members (like me when I was needing help in my decision about Saint Mark)

The Blood Drive

Our trip to The Holy Land – included so many who are not members

Under normal circumstances, our willingness to provide a space for events like MLK Day

I’m sure there is much much more.