Hello Chapel Hill Families!

Celebrate Wonder is a Sunday school curriculum that engages children’s natural sense of curiosity to help them understand God’s love. It creates a safe environment for kids to ask big questions — helping them explore the Bible in ways that feed their imagination and encourages creativity. Through carefully-selected Bible stories, songs, videos, and hands-on activities, Celebrate Wonder gives children the tools to explore their faith while incorporating it into their daily lives.

Since we are not able to meet in person, I have been mailing Sunday School Kits to families each month with printed lesson plans, activity sheets and craft supplies. November Sunday School Kits were mailed out last week. If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please sign up by clicking the button below.  I will also continue to attach digital copies of the material to our weekly e- news for you to print at home if you prefer that option.

November Faith Word: Blessing

Each month, our weekly stories will align with a Faith Word. The Faith Word for the month of November is, “Blessing”.

November Memory Verse

Bible Story Preview- “Peaceable Kingdom” (Isaiah 11:6-9)

In this Bible story we have an account of God’s vision for the whole world. Last week we heard about Jacob’s dream and God’s promise of blessing to Jacob and his descendants. Today, we hear of an even bigger dream: God’s dream of peace and well-being for all of creation. It is almost as if we have come full circle. We began this quarter learning about God’s beautiful creation, and we are closing with a reminder of the purpose and meaning of all that has come to be.

This dream is described as a time when all will live together in harmony and there will be no violence or pain. The writer wants us to imagine a place where children are safe and where enemies could live side by side and have no desire to hurt or destroy each other. We are invited to step into a new reality and imagine what the world could be.

Each of us can participate in this dream, even children. We can begin joining in God’s vision by also being dreamers. When we read this Scripture, we can begin to wonder what kind of world God desires. We answer this call by offering compassion, kindness, and goodness to our hurting world. Imagine God’s kingdom being here on earth, and a world where everyone can partake in this dream. What a blessing.

Spiritual Practice for Adults

Who do you know who is different from yourself? What makes that person different? Do you struggle having a relationship with this person? Why?

Today’s Scripture invites us to a world of peace. This is does not mean we must agree with everyone, but it does ask us to strive for peace. Can you be a person of peace, despite differences?

This week take time to write down three statements that you and others can agree on and three points on which you do not agree. Pray about these statements and ask God for ways you can find peace in the midst of disagreement.

Lesson Plan for Kids

Check out last week’s video Session 12- “Jacob’s Ladder” (Genesis 28:10-22)

Allison Roth
Allison RothDirector of Children's Ministries