I shared a couple of prayers with the Extraordinary Journey reunion group recently and used one of them in my sermon this past Sunday. I have had several ask for copies. As you pray these prayers, you will experience the mysterious presence and power of God. I am going to add a third prayer by the Rev. Alan Houghton, an Episcopal priest who is one of many authors of a book titled, “A Book of Uncommon Prayer.”
The first prayer comes from Sr. Joyce Rupp, a nun who lives in Des Moines, Iowa. She is a prolific writer and retreat leader.
Each morning when I arise I begin the day with these six gestures. I join spirit and body in praising the Holy One and offering my thanks for life. As I do the gestures, I say a one line prayer and then remain in that posture for a brief time.
1.Offering the Creator praise and gratitude:
Stretch your arms high and wide above your head.
I thank you, Holy One, for the gift of another day of life.
2.Intentionally being aware of my spiritual bond with all of creation:
Hold arms out from your sides, a little below shoulder height. Move (pivot) to the left and to the right with your arms stretching outward toward the cosmos.
I reach out in compassion to my sisters and brothers throughout the universe.
3.Offering my life to the Holy One:
Stretch your arms out straight in front of you, slightly apart, palms up.
I give to you all I am and all I have.
4.Opening to accept what the Holy One offers me this day:
Pull your hands close together and cup them as a container.
I open my entire being to receive the gift that you have waiting for me in this new day.
5.Remembering to be kind to our planet Earth:
Bend over, reach down, and touch the floor, or better yet, the ground, if you are outside.
I touch this planet, Earth, with awe, reverence, and gratitude, promising to care well for her today.
6.Awareness of the indwelling presence of the Holy One:
Stand up, cross hands over your heart, and bow to the waist.
May I be united with you throughout this day, aware of your love strengthening me and shining through me.
From Out of the Ordinary: Prayers, Poems and Reflections for Every Season by Joyce Rupp
The second prayer comes from an anonymous source. That simply means, a person received this prayer from God, and desires to remain anonymous.
Where would you have me go?
What would you have me do?
What would you have me say? To whom and when?
How may I be of service to your Kingdom today?
The third prayer comes from the Rev. Alan Houghton.
Lord, help me this day to shut up, listen up, open up and lighten up. You have a lot more to show and tell me than I have to show and tell you. Please be patient with me – allow me a glimpse, give me a hint of what is really going on around me as I walk and watch and wonder and work throughout this unfolding day. I know I need to worry a lot less – I need to stop overreacting- to be calmer and not to insist on being special or right. The world does not revolve around me nor am I it’s or anyone else’s savior. I must learn to look up and out, not just in. I must try harder to be wiser, nicer, less grouchy, a more sensitive human being. Please help me pray my life and live my prayers. Amen.