General Conference of the United Methodist Church

(Please scroll down in this article to see videos from the Bishop)

General Conference of the United Methodist Church, Charlotte, North Carolina, April 23 through May 3rd has begun. If you are interested in updates, I would highly recommend you go to the following website:

Bishop David Wilson, our episcopal leader, provides an update via video and you have opportunity to dig deeper into the issues at hand, if you would like.

I have had many ask why I am not involved in the General Conference. In my 38 years of ordained ministry, I have never put my name forth for consideration. That is very intentional on my part. In addition, I am not very involved at the Great Plains Conference level (Kansas/Nebraska), and people have asked me why I chose not to participate at that level. My answer is authentic and simple. I want to invest all of my time and energy into the local church. In our case, Chapel Hill. I am grateful for those who feel called to serve at other levels of the church. I have never had a discerned call to serve, nor do I have a desire to invest in the process that takes me away from the parish setting. Again, thanks be to God there are those who really enjoy serving at that level and can articulate a call to serve God in that way. Many years ago, a pastor colleague for whom I have deep respect came up to me at one of our clergy gatherings and asked if I would be open to having my name submitted for consideration (you have to be elected) to serve at General Conference. I simply looked at the pastor without saying a word and she responded, “I already know your answer!”

May we be in prayer for our sisters and brothers – clergy and laity – who faithfully serve the General Church.

Bishop David Wilson shares a message for pastors and local congregations related to the actions of the General Conference. He provides context, shares what has changed for local churches and what has not.  Click link below to view his 3 1/2 minute message:

Bishop shares his final thoughts following General Conference

Bishop David Wilson shares one final video from General Conference. Recorded during the final moments of General Conference, the bishop reminds United Methodists in Kansas and Nebraska to view his recent video and read his statement about the actions taken regarding LGBTQ legislation.  Click link below to view his video 2:11 in length:

Bishop looks back at historic May 1 vote from conference floor: 

Bishop David Wilson shares some remarks from the historic day at General Conference, including some thoughts about his opportunity to preach at the morning worship service. He tells the news about the repeal of restrictive language from the Book of Discipline and the final Regionalization petition to pass — both by significant margins. We apologize for the issues with some audio interference that comes through at times in this video.

Bishop’s Update from April 29th (1:44)

Bishop’s first-week recap (3:48):

Bishop Wilson’s Sermon:

Bishop David Wilson, the denomination’s first Native American bishop, encouraged General Conference delegates to remember the people who inspired their faith while considering how decisions today can inspire United Methodists far into the future. Wilson preached during morning worship on May 1.

Click here to read story about sermon:

Click below to view sermon (at approx. 16:00 mark)