St. Arbucks Chapel – January 29, 2025
Confirmation Class – Spring, 2025
The majority of persons polled indicated Sundays work best for Confirmation this spring. Here is the schedule for those of you may be interested in taking the classes. (Eighth Grade through High School). Please send an email to Neal Whitlow if you would like to enroll.
Sundays from 1 to 3pm – on the following dates:
March 9, 16, 30 (off on 3/23 for Spring Break)
April 5, 13, and 27 (off for Easter on 4/20)
May 4, 18, (off for Mother’s Day) and 25 (We will meet even though it is Memorial Day Weekend)
June 1
Confirmation Sunday at both services on Pentecost Sunday, June 8th.
Information Meeting for the pilgrimage to Greece, Summer of 2025 – Sunday, February 2nd (This Sunday) – 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Without any obligation, you are welcome to attend an informational meeting!
This 8 day pilgrimage would leave Wichita on June 21 and return on June 28 unless you elect to go on the optional 3 day (returning to Wichita on July 1) addition to the Greek Isle via ship. For a brochure with information about the places we will visit and cost, please click here
If you would prefer a paper brochure, they are available at the church office, Monday through Friday 8:30-4:30 or on Sunday morning at the Welcome Center. The deadline is February 1st. Please do not hesitate to contact our guide, Dr. Mike Philson, at the following email: if you have any questions about the pilgrimage.
As a bonus, during Lent, Fr. Terry will teach a class on Wednesday evenings from 5 to 6 p.m. on Paul’s missionary journeys from the Book of Acts. This will be excellent preparation for making the most of the pilgrimage. More information will be forthcoming.
Chapel Hill 101 – Are you interested in hearing more about our mission and ministry at Chapel Hill? We will have a one session meeting on February 9th – 1:30-2:30 with an optional tour at 2:30 P.M. which takes about 20 minutes. Childcare is available with a reservation. If you have a child or children, please email Neil Whitlow at
For Your Inspiration – 3 things for you this week – Chicken Soup for the Soul!
- One of my favorite prayers….
Lord, help me this day to shut up, listen up, open up and lighten up. You have a lot more to show and tell me than I have to show and tell you. Please be patient with me – allow me a glimpse, give me a hint of what is really going on around me as I walk and watch and wonder and work throughout this unfolding day. I know I need to worry a lot less – I need to stop overreacting- to be calmer and not to insist on being special or right. The world does not revolve around me nor am I its or anyone else’s savior. I must learn to look up and out, not just in. I must try harder to be wiser, nicer, less grouchy, a more sensitive human being. Please help me pray my life and live my prayers. - Every day, a pastor friend of mine journals this question, “Where did I see God today?” As we read the Gospels, Jesus appeared amongst the ordinary everyday events of life, always surprising the people because when they least expected him, he was there. As Richard Rohr says, “These moments from Scripture set a stage of expectation and desire that God’s Presence can be seen in the ordinary and the material, and we do not have to wait for supernatural apparitions. . . ‘The purest form of spirituality is to find God in what is right in front of you.’”
Richard Rohr, “The Sacramental Principle”, Sunday, April 24, 2022, - As Frederick Buechner (the Presbyterian minister) once said, “I believe that whether we recognize him or not, or believe in him or not, or even know his name, again and again (Christ) comes and walks a little way with us along whatever road we’re following. And I believe that through something that happens to us, or something we see, or somebody we know – who can ever guess how or when or where? – he offers us, the way he did at Emmaus, the bread of life, offers us a new hope, a new vision of light that not even the dark world can overcome.” Frederick Buechner, “The Secret in the Dark,” The Longing for Home.