By Rev. Jeff Gannon –

I wanted to finish the sermon I started this past Sunday! I am passionate about the role of the Holy Spirit in prayer. I gave 6 “lifelines” (ways in which the Holy Spirit empowers our prayer life and connects us with God) two weeks ago  and want to share the last one today!

062214 #1

When we are in discernment, assuming we are open to God’s guidance, we trust that God will speak through individuals in particular and people in general.

062214 #2

062214 #3062214 #4

God used Elisha to guide Elijah. God uses people!

If you read the story of Elijah from I Kings, you see that without Elisha, Elijah would have never realized his divine destiny. Elisha was the primary tool for God to bring guidance and healing to Elijah’s life. God uses people!

Whom has God used in your life?

Who are the people you would name as the means of God’s grace by which you have received guidance and direction?

Thanks be to God for the Elisha’s!