Children’s Ministry (birth – 5th grade)
Chapel Hill Children’s Ministry is a safe space for children from infancy through 5th grade to learn about and experience the extraordinary grace and love of Jesus Christ through fun, engaging Christian education. Through our weekly Sunday school classes, our annual Vacation Bible School, and other special children’s events throughout the year, children experience God’s love through teaching, praying, and demonstrating what a relationship with Jesus Christ looks like.
We immerse children in God’s love through Biblical teaching from both the Old and New Testament. Chapel Hill Kids uses Cokesbury’s BIG FAITH curriculum, featuring crafts and games that support the story of the week.

We encourage children to ask questions, and we engage them in acts of worship and service.
We are passionate about accepting children exactly as they are, and embracing the uniqueness of each and every child.

Programs Offered
Nursery care for infants through preschool-age children is available during all worship services.
For school-age children (kindergarten-5th grade) we offer Sunday School at 9:30 AM worship and Children’s Church at 11:00 AM worship. Kids are always welcome to attend church in the sanctuary as well. We have prepared clipboards with coloring sheets and crayons for the kids. These are available at the main sanctuary entrance.
Be a Sunday School Leader
Join our team of amazing leaders! Lessons are planned and prepared for you each week with scripted activities. Leaders serve anywhere between once a month to every week based on their availability and desire to participate. All leaders 16 and older are required to go through Safe Gatherings training and certification which includes a nation-wide background check. Each class has at least two leaders, so grab a friend and join us! Contact Amanda Linkberg at for more information.
Stay Connected
Join our CH Kids Facebook group for lesson plans, spiritual practices, birthday announcements, and up to date information on all things Children’s Ministry.