When you give to Chapel Hill you are making an eternal investment in the lives of people here in Wichita and around the world. If you have any questions about giving at Chapel Hill, contact Jill Miller at jmiller@chwichita.org.

  • Give Online

    Online giving is fast and convenient. Simply set up an account and get started today!

  • Cash Or Check

    In-person giving resumes in November. Each weekend we participate in a time of giving as we pass the plate in our worship service. This is a great way to begin your generosity journey!

  • Text to 833-365-6127

  • Legacy Donations

    Do you desire to leave a lasting legacy by continuing to support Chapel Hill’s mission of welcoming ALL people to experience and share the extraordinary grace and love of Jesus, long into the future? Legacy giving, or “planned giving”, is a donation or series of donations made by an individual through a will or other formal designation. Gifts can be designated to a specific purpose, or to the general needs of the church. Discuss your wishes and options with your financial/estate planner or wealth manager.

  • Retirement

    Individuals aged 70½ or older are allowed to make charitable gifts by direct transfer from their IRAs to qualified charitable organizations of up to $100,000 per year. These gifts are free from federal income taxation. In addition, the income tax laws of most states also allow tax-free treatment for these gifts. Making gifts from IRA funds that would otherwise lead to increased taxes can be a wise choice for many. This is especially true for those who must take required minimum distributions each year. Check with your IRA administrator and/or your tax advisor to ensure proper handling of your charitable retirement gifts.

  • Stocks

    Chapel Hill UMC has a special account with a financial institution that allows us to accept donations of securities. Giving a gift of appreciated stock directly to Chapel Hill is tax-deductible for the full market value of the stock on the date of donation, and there are no capital gains taxes to pay (a double-tax break). If your stock has risen in value since purchase, donating it directly to our securities account is preferable. We will immediately liquidate the stock and deposit the funds in our general operating account, unless otherwise designated by the giver. However, if it has lost value, it may be more advantageous for you to sell it first and then donate the profits as cash, so that you can recognize your tax loss. Always consult your financial and tax advisors before making a charitable stock donation.

  • Memorials

    Memorial gifts provide a meaningful way for individuals, families and groups to honor and respect the life of a loved one. Memorial gifts are typically received by cash or check, and recorded in a special restricted account to be applied toward a designated request, or can be used to fund special needs or projects not included in the church operating budget. The church may work in consultation with members of the deceased’s family to determine the appropriate use of memorial funds. Contact Julie Hey at jhey@chapelhillwichita.org with future questions.

1550 N. Chapel Hill Drive
Wichita, KS 67206
